Syd Niven
  • Personalised Learning
  • Profesional Development
  • Organisational Change

Mastering Time

Most time management training is ineffective because it fails to consider how people relate to time and how to apply the practical steps that move them from 'managing to mastering' this precious resource. This course provides quick and easy solutions to effect real changes, defeating the years of procrastination & stress, and helps you create time with room to spare. Using a mixture of NLP, coaching and training techniques, this life changing course will be time well spent!

Course Fee: £197.00

Developing Resilience

Discover the Art of Bouncing Back:

In challenging times, when people are frequently expected to 'produce more with less', it is so easy to feel pressed down and to be pulled out of shape with, what seem like, conflicting demands and pressures. This is a day to explore how to recognise what is happening (before it becomes painfully obvious to everybody else), to take good care of yourself, discover how to bounce back, and to breakthrough from old beliefs and patterns to find new ways of being in control and building the life you really want.

Course Fee: £197.00

Mastering Change

The Simple and Successful System that Works!

Change is inevitable - and yet for so many it becomes complicated and difficult. How change is presented and processed can make the difference between success & failure - personally and for an organisation. It does not need to be so difficult! Our CPR System provides you with the perspectives and the tools you and your staff need to master change.

Course Fee: £197.00

Group Dynamics: Creating Cohesion for Success

Creating Cohesion for Success:

Are you really getting the most from your team? Are they all 'in it together' and set on achieving great results? The way your staff connect with you and with each other will powefully affect their productivity and performance - and the profits of your business. This course helps leaders and managers to know what is happening with their team, and how to successfully motivate and mobilise your team to produce great results.

Course Fee: £197.00

Mastering Conflict at Work

Conflict at Work can be horrendous - or perhaps just niggle away in the background. The consequences can be huge - for individuals and for an organisation. A recent survey suggested the cost of conflict at work to the UK economy was near to £40 billion. The human costs through deteriorating health, increased stress, sickness & absence, poor relationships and team performance are huge too!

This course looks at the causes of workplace conflict, what happens when people are in conflict at work - and how conflict can be resolved and prevented. Drawing on counselling, NLP, TA and various conflict resolution approaches, including mediation, this course is a must for individuals affected by conflict, and for managers in particular. Conflict happens. Knowing what to do can make a huge difference.

Course Fee: £247.00

Transactional Analysis for Managers, Coaches & Trainers

The more awareness we have of what makes people tick, what drives and motivates them (or puts them off), the patterns they drop into without thinking, then the more we will be able to positively affect their lives (as well as our own).

Transactional Analysis (TA) is a powerful tool with many useful perspectives and applications that can be helpful to Managers, Coaches and Trainers. Improving our own awareness creates greater flexibility and freedom, whilst also increasing our interpersonal skills to help bring about change for others. This workshop provides an essential grounding in the concepts of TA, and explores how these can be applied to bring about real and lasting change.

Course Fee: £247.00